
Share to Donate

You Share, We Donate

Share to Donate


During this pandemic, we all deeply want to help others but are not able to do so due to numerous constrictions. However, with the aim of helping those who are fighting for their lives, Ambe Steels, is collaborating with National Innovation Center in a "Share to Donate: You Share, We Donate" campaign. For every share of this post, Ambe steel will donate Rs.250 to National Innovation Center for every share of the linked Facebook post.

Mahabir Pun Chairman of National Innovation Center has been supporting not only the front-line workers but also the patients through their different innovations like Isolation Hood, Isolation Chamber, Nursing Robot, PPE, and Face Shields. Ambe Steels has started this campaign with an objective to raise awareness regarding COVID-19 prevention which focuses on spreading precautionary measures about COVID-19 to larger areas of the country with the help of the power of digital media.

With every SHARE of this post we will DONATE NRs. 250 on your behalf.

Let us all share this post and play a role in generating money to help those in dire need!

Link to Facebook Post:

Note: You can also scan the QR code in the cover image to go directly to the post.

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